Latest Insurance & Reinsurance Features

Young professionals need to immerse themselves in the office environment and absorb the knowledge being shared around them: Markel.
Spending more time on campuses talking about insurance can encourage new entrants to the industry, says Sompo.
In the competitive landscape of re/insurance, finding and keeping top talent has become a central focus, says Markel HR chief.
Limit has launched Limit AI, branding it the first gen AI assistant exclusively for the property and casualty (P&C) sector.
It’s about making the best of the diverse talents we have: Lloyd’s head of culture.
New technologies have impacted the kind of skills the industry is looking for, and many of these skills are scarce, says Zurich’s head of talent.
To remain competitive, leaders must focus on updating their talent models to ensure organisations have the right skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving market: McKinsey.

Latest Risk Management Features

Incident response teams are already connected to insurers and law firms, bringing with them a wealth of resources, an Intelligent Insurer panel agreed.
Identifying the right people in place before a cyber crisis takes place is crucial, as well as continuously testing an incident response plan, an Intelligent Insurer panel agreed.
Anthony Hess of incident response company Asceris sat down with Intelligent Insurer to discuss the growing relationship between cyber forensics and insurance.
Commercial primary casualty wholesale insurance encompasses an ever-growing range of complex risks that businesses must understand, manage and insure. Markel’s growing team covering this line of business specialises in doing just that.

Latest ART & ILS Features

Climate change means the nat cat protection gap will only grow—and parametric risk transfer products are gaining traction as a potential way of closing this gap.
In our special LatAm focus during March 2024, Intelligent Insurer will reflect on and review the highs and lows of this huge, opportunity-filled region, starting with this look back at the conference.
The risk transfer industry needs more capital—but ILS investors are interested only if returns reach more attractive levels that meet or exceed long-term target returns for risk assets, Dirk Lohmann, chairman of Schroders Capital ILS, told Intelligent Insurer.
Insurers can help the sector deal with these complex and interrelated pressures using innovative solution services, says Valarie Jonas, director of Construction Claims at Markel.
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26 July 2024   ERGO to acquire a Nordic insurance group’s regional subsidiary.
26 July 2024   New CFO to assume the role from January 2025.
26 July 2024   The agency has appointed new global and EMEA heads of insurance.
26 July 2024   The appointees boast pedigree from AXA XL and Berkshire Hathaway.
26 July 2024   Peter Zaffino said the deal is a major milestone for AIG and its MGU Private Client Select.
26 July 2024   The appointee will drive the strategy across commercial, personal, and other key segments.
Risk Management
26 July 2024   The new hire held underwriting roles at AIG and QBE.
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