10 July 2018Insurance

Aon, Chubb, Lloyd's develop terrorism, political violence solution

Broker Aon has collaborated with property/casualty insurer Chubb and Lloyd’s to develop a standalone terrorism and political violence solution that addresses the demands of an increasingly regulated environment.

Platinum will provide globally admitted cover for firms with multinational operations.

Centrally coordinated by Aon and Chubb, clients will benefit from the economies of scale of a global policy approach, priced and underwritten in collaboration with the Lloyd’s market to ensure competitive cover, and backed by Chubb’s global network and experience servicing complex accounts in local markets.

Multinational companies operating in today’s challenging global space are required to meet the demands of complex regulatory networks while mitigating a diverse spread of country risks, which include the increased threat posed by terrorism and political violence.

Aon said this previously limited solution has been up-scaled to offer unprecedented limits and coverages within the stand-alone terrorism and political violence market. Platinum is coordinated through a single umbrella policy that ensures compliance with local regulatory and tax requirements, with policies issued locally in each territory.

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More on this story

16 April 2018   The looming expiration of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) is a concern for insurers with significant terrorism exposures, AM Best warned.
13 July 2018   Property/casualty insurer Chubb has appointed Annmarie Camp as head of its European personal risk services division, based in London.
27 September 2018   Broker Aon is collaborating with Pembroke Managing Agency at Lloyd’s to develop a Public Protection Policy (PPP) to support the victims of terrorist attacks.