24 October 2017Insurance

Ironshore names head of US claims

Ironshore, a part of Liberty Mutual Company, has named Kristin McMahon as head of US claims.

In the new role, McMahon will be responsible for claims management oversight and litigation management services for all Ironshore specialty business lines within the US, including health, reporting to Mike Mitrovic, head of global claims for Ironshore.

McMahon previously served as chief claims officer of IronHealth, the specialty healthcare unit, and more recently assumed underwriting oversight as president of IronHealth’s liability and regulatory lines.

Prior to joining Ironshore, McMahon was a partner with law firm Kerns, Frost & Pearlman, where she specialized in representing professional liability insurers and reinsurers in the US, Bermuda and London.

"Ironshore claims management is an integrated business model, offering clients timely response with greater efficiencies," Mitrovic said. "Kristin’s tenure with Ironshore is a testament to her expertise in recognizing the value of aligning claims professionals with members of the underwriting, actuarial and finance teams."

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More on this story

26 September 2017   Ironshore, a Liberty Mutual Company, has expanded its underwriting agency business into the US and London Markets, which will be led by the financial lines manager of Iron-Starr Excess Agency Steve Horton.
21 November 2017   Ironshore, a Liberty Mutual Company, has appointed Toby Smith as the president of its global environmental unit.