11 October 2018Insurance

CCRIF to makes first payout to Barbados in 2018/19 policy year

CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility) has made its first payout to Barbados on its excess rainfall policy in the 2018/19 policy year.

Barbados will receive a payout of $5.8 million on its excess rainfall policy due to heavy rainfall that occurred during the passage of Tropical Storm Kirk.

Barbados has been a member of CCRIF since its inception in 2007 and has received five previous totalling $13.5 million so far. This latest payout will bring the total value of payouts to Barbados to $19.3 million.

After this payout to Barbados, CCRIF will have made 37 payouts totalling $136.3 million to 13-member governments since 2007 – all within 14 days of the end of the event, according to a corporate statement. Since the start of this policy year on June 1, three additional countries have joined the facility – the Virgin Islands, Montserrat and Sint Maarten. CCRIF’s membership now stands at 20 countries –19 Caribbean governments and 1 Central American government.

CCRIF SPC is a regional fund utilising parametric insurance giving member governments the opportunity to purchase earthquake, hurricane and excess rainfall catastrophe coverage.

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More on this story

6 September 2018   St. Maarten has joined CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility), purchasing coverage for tropical cyclones, earthquakes and excess rainfall.
Alternative Risk Transfer
11 April 2018   The CCRIF SPC (Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Segregated Portfolio Company) is exploring ways to scale up the cover it provides with regards to reach and products.
19 June 2019   The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) has expanded its cover and brought in a new risk model for tropical cyclones and earthquakes as member governments in the region renewed and extended their policies for 2019/20.