27 July 2018Insurance

Munich Re hires Hennessy for US specialty expansion

Munich Re has hired John Hennessy as CEO & president of its North American underwriting platform Roanoke Group (RGI).

RGI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Munich Re Specialty Group (MRSG) and is the parent and holding company of Roanoke Insurance Group. RGI also provides targeted logistics and transportation-related insurance offerings across the US through its subsidiary Roanoke Insurance Group.

Hennessy will be based out of Schaumburg, Illinois, and will be responsible for driving growth in marine and specialty classes to North American insurance brokers.

Hennessy served in London as CEO and chairman of CNA Europe since 2009. From 2014 he served as president and COO of CNA Canada before returning to Chicago in 2017.

MRSG has been providing marine and specialty offerings to insurance brokers in North America for decades from its home-base in London through Munich Re Syndicate. MRSG owns Munich Re Syndicate which manages Syndicate 457 at Lloyd’s.

Charles Burgess, CEO of MRSG International, commented, “The existing footprint of the Munich Re Syndicate and Roanoke in North America provides a strong foundation from which to launch and expand growth into new areas. The experience of our operations, underwriting and sales teams enable us to start off with significant traction.”

Hennessy added, “What makes this a winning initiative, and one that I am excited to lead, is the existing stable and sustainable platform, which is primed for growth.”

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More on this story

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31 August 2018   Munich Re Specialty Group (MRSG) of London has added former Aspen and XL Catlin executives to lead its underwriting team.
17 December 2018   Munich Reinsurance America has appointed Michael Kerner as CEO for Munich Re Specialty Insurance, a new commercial insurance unit in North America.