14 March 2018Insurance

Starr reveals leadership shake-up in casualty unit

Starr Companies has restructured its casualty group and made some leadership changes to tap its underwriting expertise and risk management solutions in the liability marketplace.

The insurer is consolidating financial lines and professional liability under the leadership of senior vice president Brian Inselberg, who will also assume the responsibilities for political risk and crisis management.

Dan Conway, executive vice president, will oversee energy, environmental, transportation and warranty. In addition, he will act as special advisor for construction and the general casualty lines.

All energy lines will be consolidated under the leadership of vice president Carmella Capitano.

Kevin McCracken has been promoted to senior vice president. He will continue to manage Defense Base Act while assuming responsibilities for risk management, commercial general casualty, excess casualty, and a soon to be formed mergers & acquisitions profit center led by vice president Nina Huffman.

Primary and excess construction are consolidating under the leadership of senior vice president Andy Robinson.

Rob Cruz, senior vice president, will maintain leadership of distribution, field operations and will assume management of small business.

“This new structure will allow for greater synergies within and among the various business units to enable Starr Companies to provide the best coverage and service solutions to our clients,” said Steve Blakey, president and chief executive officer.

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